For Land-Grant Universities Outside Ohio

Real Money. Real World. (RMRW) is widely recognized as a high-quality financial literacy learning opportunity for youth ages 13-16 years. More than 43,000 young people participated in RMRW in 2019, and the data collected from post-course evaluations show strong evidence of student comprehension and retention of the important lessons learned.

Delivering RMRW in your community requires the purchase and use of the RMRW kit. At present, only Extension offices can purchase the kit. County Extension professionals can then work with schools and community partners to provide the RMRW sessions. The curriculum includes an expanded educator section that details how to get started, how to organize the three parts of RMRW, and how to publicize the program.

The kit consists of nineteen plastic corrugated panels (each 22”x28”) that create the stand-alone posters used for the fourteen spending simulation booths and a set of comprehensive digital files containing the 107-page curriculum. The curriculum includes:

  • extension professional manual
  • classroom teacher manual
  • spending simulation coordinator manual
  • materials for booth volunteers
  • PowerPoint slide sets for teaching all five classroom lessons 

Although the comprehensive RMRW kit is only available to extension professionals, the classroom teaching materials can be duplicated for use by multiple schoolteachers, including the teacher's section and the PowerPoint presentations for teaching all five lessons.

For more information on ordering a kit, contact Courtney Warman at 614-247-9151 or email at